Page last updated 7/2/25, 08:30

Final details

Final details

Please read these in full and carefully.

Headline details are provided below.

Getting to the event

The event is easily accessible, parking (free) and assembly will be at Castleview Park & Ride near junction 10 on the M9.  There is no height restrication at the car park.

There will be a shuttle bus that will take around 10-15minutes and will run every 15 minutes between here and the event area

There will be no parking or drop off at the event area. 

There is limited space on the buses.  You will be allocated a bus number and time (see start list).  You must be at the bus pick up point (adjacent to the car park) by the bus departure time.  If you miss your bus, you may miss your start.

Event timetable

  Saturday 8th February
17:00 The car park is open all day, we expect to be ready to receive enquiries and traders to be "open" from 17:00.
17:30 First bus to event area for competitors. Buses run every 15 minutes after this.
18:30 First start
20:00 Last start
21:30 Approx. time of bus into central Stirling (for those staying in Stirling).
22:00 Courses close
22:30 Last bus back to car park, this bus may also drop people off in Stirling.
  Sunday 9th February
10:30 Prize giving at UKOL event at Plean 

Mandatory Kit

The following kit is mandatory.

  • Whistle
  • Spare (charged) torch (may be head/handheld or body-worn)
  • Long sleeved top either warm (e.g. thermal) or a long sleeved top plus another layer
  • For courses 1 & 2 (which go on the moor): wind/waterproof jacket with hood or separate hat

There will be a kit check before you get on the bus.  If you do not have the mandatory kit, you will not be allowed to go to the event area.

Start list

Start times are available on SiEntries.  The final start list is published below, including bus details.